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Owning and running a cosmetic company is a dream I have had since high school. Because of your supports, I can realize this dream.
For this, I am grateful for you from the bottom of my heart.

"Born to design and create."

Ever since I was five, I have always wanted to be a designer and creator.
At that time, I loved drawing and dreamed of becoming a fashion designer.
However, during my high school year in Canada, I became interested in makeup and cosmetics. Gradually, this interest turned into a passion. Finally, this passion turned into a goal. I wanted my own cosmetic company where I can design and create my brand of cosmetics.
When I started my youtube makeup review channel, people started to send me questions and asking for advice. Of course, the most often asked question is, "how can I become more confident?"
For me, being in Canada helped me a lot. While living there, I had the freedom to live, dress, and look however I want.
It is okay to be who you are. With makeup, I created a look that I was comfortable with, which gave me confidence.
From that time, I wanted to inspire people to feel confident about themselves as they go about their day.
Through the confidence gained from their makeup, I want to support the social advancement of women.
I wanted to do all this through a company that designs and creates cosmetic products that make their day more enjoyable.
I started this cosmetic company to achieve this goal. Now, this brand, Melalowe, exists today.

My life and this brand are a testimony that "It is okay to dream big and carry yourself with confidence."
I want you to live your life with the confidence to dress how you want, wear the makeup the way you want, and not be overly concerned with external appearance.

I hope that you, who bear the future, will be a part of building this brand together with us.
I am hoping for you to always be at your absolute best.
From the Founder, Saki Fujiko